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1) The Christmas-story has NOT had an animated movie despite a fan-base of 2 billion
2) 1 Million Facebook Followers were gained in 6 weeks
3) Music by #1 selling independent Christian Band Waterdeep.
4) Based on a National Musical that’s been running for 7 years.
5) Winners of the National Music Theatre Conference.
6) From the studio that created Marvel Battleworld with an annual budget $3-$5 million.

The Christmas-Story has not been animated as a movie. There are 2.38 Billion Christians with revenue potential of $5-$218 million. Other Christmas-story movies include:
1. The Star (2017) by Sony Pictures is an animated movie about the animals in the nativity. It's a great movie, but instead of focusing on animals our movies puts the viewer in the shoes of Mary and Joseph.
Budget: $20 million, Revenue: $62.8 million - 3X revenue
2. The Nativity Story (2006) was well produced, but audiences saw it as an unimaginative retelling of the Christmas story. Budget: $35 million, Revenue: $46.4 million - almost 30% revenue
3. The Chosen Christmas Special (2021) was good, but the film struggled to appeal to unchurched audiences. Budget: $2 million, Revenue: $13.3 million - 6X revenue
Our model of success is The Prince of Egypt by DreamWorks; an animated musical retelling of the story of Moses that drew a wide audience. At the time it was the most successful non-Disney film made.
The Prince of Egypt stayed true to the Biblical account. It had financial success, critical success, and it reached audiences beyond churched audiences.
The Prince of Egypt Budget: $70,000,000 Revenue: $218,000,000 3X revenue

The movie will be based on the 7 year running musical called Unusual Tale of Mary and Joseph's Baby. That musical is co-written by #1 selling musician Don Chaffer and award-winning NYC playwright Chris Cragin-Day. The greatest-story-ever-told brought to life in a sincere human way, and with an animation-style that bursts with imagination and wonder.
The score is "Lovely"
Timeout NY
"An Unsurpassed Breakout Hit"
"A MUST-SEE show"
NYC Fringe
"A gorgeous musical"
Stage Buddy
THE STUDIO has created Marvel's Battleworld, Sesame Street animations, and more of winner of 21 Telly Awards, and, NAB and Communicator awards. If this movie is successful we will launch a Christian Animation Brand with more stories to tell.

Thank you to these organizations for their encouragement and support



All movies have an array of distribution options. Here are a few of those options.

PureFlix has 1,000,000 subscribers and growing. They are now a part of Sony Entertainment with a solid place in the market.

There are other big distributors like Amazon Prime, Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV and other services or create our own app. The Chosen TV series began with an app earning revenue through their app sold in the app stores.
The Chosen used a $7 million budget to make $70 million. For that reason, we seek to follow The Chosen's marketing and sales tactics. The Chosen gave viewers a "freemium." Viewers were allowed 15 minutes of free content and then ask for a payment/donation. Payment/donation will also be asked upfront and at two other moments in the movie. Christmas entertainment is evergreen. The musical has been running for 7 years so we project revenues for five years. To put the business in simple math...
If 90,000 people worldwide, over 5 years, pay $14, investment will be recouped.
If 360,000 people worldwide, over 5 years, pay $14, revenue will be 170%
If 720,000 people worldwide, over 5 years, pay $14, revenue will be 250%
The Christmas story has not been animated for the big screen.
It's time for people to know what Christmas is more than toys and candy.
People that don't go to church need to know the real story of Christmas.
And, if this movie is mildly successful, then we will create a Christian animation brand that could tell the greatest stories for years to come.
Prayerfully consider joining us in sharing the good news of Christmas. Immanuel God with us.

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